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Play Dead

Auteur(s)Coben, Harlan (1962-...)

Titre(s)Play Dead / Harlan Coben.

Editeur(s)Paris : Harrap's-Larousse, 2015.

RésuméOkay, if this is the first book of mine you're going to try, stop now. Return it. Grab another. It's okay. I'll wait. If you're still here, please know that I haven't read Play Dead in at least twenty years. I didn't want to rewrite it and pass it off as a new book. I hate when authors do that. So this is, for better or worse, the exact book I wrote when I was in my early twenties, just a naïve lad working in the travel industry and wondering if I should follow my father and brother and go to (shudder) law school.

Sujet(s)Etats-Unis : littérature

Indice(s)AM RP ; 810

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