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Rain dogs

Auteur(s)Waits, Tom (Auteur)

Titre(s)Rain dogs / Tom Waits.

Editeur(s)Island, P 1985.

ContientSingapore. - Clap hands. - Cemetery polka. - Jockey full of bourbon. - Tango till they're sore. - Big black Mariah. - Diamonds and gold. - Hang down your head. - Time. - Rain dogs. - Midtown (instrumental). - 9th and hennepin. - Gun street girl. - Union square. - Blind love. - Walking spanish. - Downtown train. - Bride of rain dogs (instrumental). - Anywhere I lay my head.


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonNOGARO00296000031363Musique2 WAI
CDEn rayonMGA50003852 WAI 00


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