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The secular solo songs = Les Chants solos profanes de Henry Purcell Volume 2

Auteur(s)Purcell, Henry (Compositeur) ;Bonney, Barbara (Soprano) ;Gritton, Susan (Soprano) ;Bowman, James (Haute-Contre Contre-Ténor) ;Covey-Crump, Rogers (Ténor) ;Daniels, Charles (Ténor) ;George, Michael (Basse) ;King, Robert (Clavecin) ;The King's Consort

Titre(s)The secular solo songs = Les Chants solos profanes de Henry Purcell Volume 2 / Purcell Henry ; Bonney Barbara ; Gritton Susan ; Bowman James ; Covey-Crump Rogers ; Daniels Charles ; George Michael ; King Robert ; The King's Consort.

Editeur(s)London : Hyperion Records Ltd.

Contient[I love and I must. Z 382]. - [When her languishing eyes said "love". Z 432]. - [Not all my torments can your pity move. Z 400]. - [Ah ! cruel nymph. Z 352]. - [Sylvia, now your scorn give over. Z 420]. - [Since one poor view has drawn my heart. Z 416]. - [I resolve against cringing and whining. Z 386]. - [Gentle shepherds, you that know the charms. Z 464]. - [If grief has any pow'r to kill. Z 378]. - [She that would gain a faithful lover. Z 414]. - [Fly swift, ye hours. Z 369]. - [Hears not my Phillis how the birds (The Knotting song). Z 371]. - [Phillis, talk no more of passion. Z 409]. - [Celia's fond, too long I've lov'd her. Z 364]. - [In vain we dissemble. Z 385]. - [When my Aemilia smiles. Z 434]. - [Farewell, ye rocks, ye seas and sands. Z 463]. - [What a sad fate is mine. Z 428 a]. - [I take no pleasure in the sun's bright beams. Z 388]. - [Love's pow'r in my heart shall find no compliance. Z 395]. - [How delightful's the life of an innocent swain. Z 373]. - [She, who my poor heart possesses. Z 415]. - [Love arms himself in Celia's eyes. Z 392]. - [When first my shepherdess and I. Z 431]. - [Through mournful shades and solitary groves. Z 424]. - [If music be the food of love. Z 379 b (2ème version). - [Scarce had the rising sun appear'd. Z 469]. - [Who but a slave can well express. Z 440]. - [High on a throne of glitt'ring ore. Z 465]. - [Incassum Lesbia, incassum rogas (The queen's Epicedium). Z 383].


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