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The accursed

Auteur(s)Oates, Joyce Carol (1938-...) (Auteur)

Titre(s)The accursed / Joyce Carol Oates.

Editeur(s)London : Fourth Estate, 2015.

RésuméIt is New Jersey, 1905, and Annabel Slade's wedding preoccupies all of Princeton society - amongst them University president Woodrow Wilson and Upton Sinclair, controversial author of The Jungle. But after a savage lynching is hushed up, a malevolent spirit takes hold of the community. Monstrous visions are encountered; women are seduced and damned; a bloodlust rages in the guilty and innocent alike and slowly it becomes apparent that a diabolical curse has them all in its grip. In this fantastically macabre epic, the Devil has come to town and not a soul will be spared.


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