Le temps des gitans. Punk opéra


Auteur(s)Kusturica, Emir (1954-...) ;No Smoking orchestra the

Titre(s)Le temps des gitans. Punk opéra / E. Kusturica and the No Smoking Orchestra.

Editeur(s)Cream records, P 2007.

ContientEfta purane ikone (seven old icons). - Djilaben rromalen (sing people sing). - San Francisco (San Francisco). - O chaveja (oh, my children). - Hederlezi (St. George day). - Cik cik pogodi (guess guess who is coming). - Crazy about money (crazy about money). - Del dija (lord gave us). - Kana o del barvarel (when lord gives). - Evropa (Europe). - Pharimasa va inzares (the beggars). - Perhan sovel (perhan is dreaming). - Lorenzzo (Lorenzzo). - Sas jekh len (there was a river once).

Sujet(s)Yougoslavie : Phonogramme Tzigane (musique)

Indice(s)510 ; 003 ; 9.55 2

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDPrêtéSAMATAN03201000136391Musique9.55 KUS
CDEn rayonMGA5016313510 TIM


Source : Wikipédia
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