Al Grey and the Basie wing


Auteur(s)Grey, Al ;Basie Wing

Titre(s)Al Grey and the Basie wing / Al Grey.

Editeur(s)Vogue, P 1991.

Contientthings ain't what they used to be. - open wider please. - I got it bad and that ain't good. - don't get around much anymore. - how come you do me like you do. - bluish gry. - the elder. - bewitched. - Kenie-Konie. - salty papa. - don't cry baby. - stranded. - rompin'. - King bee. - when I fall in love. - alamo. - tenderly.

Sujet(s)Trio : Jazz : Phonogramme Musique de scène : XXe siècle : Phonogramme Trombone : Jazz : Phonogramme


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