The Complete Coleman Hawkins


Auteur(s)Hawkins, Coleman (1904-1969) (saxo) ;Wilson, Teddy ;Cole, Cozy (1909-1981)

Titre(s)The Complete Coleman Hawkins / Coleman hawkins and his orchestra.

Editeur(s)Tokyo : Nippon phonogram, P 1987.

Collection(s)(The essentiel Keynote ; 6).

ContientCD 1 : Only have an eyes for you. - s wonderful. - I'm in the mood for love. - bean at the met. - flame thrower. - imagination. - night and day. - cattin' at keynote. - blue moon. - father co operates. - CD 2 : Just one more chance. - thru for the night. - on the sunny side of the street. - three little words. - battle of the saxes. - Louise. - CD 3 : Make believe. - don't blame me. - just one of those things. - Halleluiah. - I'm yours. - under a blanket of blue. - beyond the blue horizon. - a shanty in old shanty town. - CD 4 : My man. - el salon de Gutbucket. - embraceable you. - undecided. - home. - marvelous for words. - you brought a new kind of love. - somebody loves me.

Sujet(s)Saxophone : Jazz : Phonogramme


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