Batman for ever: Musique du film


Auteur(s)Goldenthal, Elliot ;Schumacher, Joel ;U2

Titre(s)Batman for ever: Musique du film / Film de Joël Schumacher ; Musique composée par Elliot Goldenthal.

Editeur(s)Warner Bros, P 1995.

ContientHold me thrill, me kiss me, kill me/U2. - one time too many/J.P.Harvey. - where are you now/Brandy. - kiss from a rose/Seal. - the hunter gets captured by the game/Massive Attack with Tracey thorn. - nobody lives without love/Eddi Reader. - tell me now/Mazzy Star. - Smas it up/Offspring. - there is a light. - the riddler /Method man. - the passenger/Michael Hutchence. - crossing the rive/The Devlins. - 8/Sunny day real estate. - bad days/ he Flaming lips.

Sujet(s)Musique de film : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325055390071Musique6.1 BAT


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