Count Basie : The Essential V-discs


Auteur(s)Basie, Count (1904-1984)

Titre(s)Count Basie : The Essential V-discs / Count Basie & his orchestra.

Editeur(s)Recording Arts, P 1991.

Collection(s)(The Golden age of jazz).

ContientG.I stomp. - dance of the gremlins. - gee baby ain't i good to you. - sugar hill shuffle. - just an old manuscript. - I'm fr it too. - on the upbeat. - I never knew. - jumpin' at the woodside. - it's sand, man. - please don't talk about me when I'm gone. - tush. - yeah man. - rhythm man. - the king. - Robbins nest.

Sujet(s)Orchestre : Jazz : Phonogramme


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonMD325021290071Musique1.3 BAS


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