Les trois corbeaux


Auteur(s)Deller, Alfred (1912-1979) ;Dupré, Desmond (Luth)

Titre(s)Les trois corbeaux : the three ravens, chants traditionnels de ménestrels élisabéthains / interprétés par Alfred Deller ; Desmond Dupré.

Editeur(s)Vanguard Classics, P 1994.

Collection(s)(edition Alfred Deller).

Contientthe three ravens. - cuckoo. - how should I your true love know. - sweet nightingale. - I will give my love an apple. - the oak and the ash. - go from my window. - King Henry. - Coventry carol. - Barbara Allen. - heigh Ho, the wind and the rain. - waly, waly. - down in yon forest. - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. - a toye. - the taylor and the mouse. - Greensleeves. - the wraggle taggle gipsies. - Lord Rendall. - Sweet Jane. - the frog and the mouse. - the seeds of love. - near London town. - who's going to shoe your pretty little foot. - blow away the morning dew. - searching for lambs. - sweet England. - dabing in the dew. - just as the tide was a-flowing.

Sujet(s)Opéra : Airs : Phonogramme Chants de ménestrels : Phonogramme Voix : Contre-ténor : Phonogramme


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