Live at Wembley'86



Titre(s)Live at Wembley'86 / Queen.

Editeur(s)Queen Productions, C&P 1992.

ContientDisque 1 One vision. - Tie your mother down. - In the lap of the gods. - Seven seas of rhye. - Tear it up. - A kind of magic. - Under pressure. - Another one bites the dust. - Who wants to live forever. - I want to break free. - Impromptu. - Brighton rock solo. - Now I'm here. - Disque 2 Love of my life. - Is this the world we created. - Baby I don't care (You're so square). - Hello Mary Lou (Goodbye heart). - Tutti frutti. - Gimme some lovin'. - Bohemian rhapsody. - Hammer to fall. - Crazy little thing called love. - Big spender. - Radio ga ga. - We will rock you. - Friends will be friends. - We are the champions. - God save the Queen.

Sujet(s)Chanson : Rock : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonSEISSAN5042910071Musique2.5 QUE


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