Vanessa Paradis


Auteur(s)Paradis, Vanessa (1972-...)

Titre(s)Vanessa Paradis : Natural high,... / Vanessa Paradis.

Editeur(s)Remark, Cop. 1992.

ContientNatural high. - I'm waiting for the man. - Silver and gold. - Be my baby. - Lonely rainbows. - Sunday mondays. - Your love has got a handle on my mind. - The Future song. - Paradis. - Just as long as you are there. - Gotta have it. - Just a long as you are there.

Sujet(s)Chanson : France : Phonogramme

Indice(s)099 ; 8

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonMD325008350071Musique8 PAR
CDEn rayonMDC5004678099 PAR


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