Serious ! [CD]


Auteur(s)Collins, Phil (1951-...)

Titre(s)Serious ! [CD] / Phil Collins.

Editeur(s)WEA International, P 1990.

ContientSomething happened on the way to heaven. - Against all odds (Take a look at me now). - Who said I would. - One more night. - Don't lose my number. - Do you remember ?. - Another day in paradise. - Separate lives. - In the air tonight. - You can't hurry love. - Two hearts. - Sussudio. - A groovy kind of love. - Easy lover. - Take me home.

Sujet(s)Chanson : Rock : Phonogramme

Indice(s)2.20 ; 2

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonL'ISLE-JOURDAIN5006530071Musique2 COL 60
CDEn rayonMAUVEZIN00249000015100Musique2 COL
CDEn rayonMGA50162212 COL 20


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