The rest of the best


Auteur(s)Pogues (The)

Titre(s)The rest of the best / The Pogues.

Editeur(s)WEA, C&P 1992.

ContientIf I should fall from grace with God. - The Sick bed of Cùchulainn. - The old main drag. - Boys from the county hell. - Young ned of the hill. - Dark streets of London. - The auld triangle. - Repeal of the licensing laws. - Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah. - London girl. - Honky tonk women. - Summer in Siam. - Turkish song of the damned. - Lullaby of London. - The sunnyside of the street. - Hell's ditch.

Sujet(s)Chanson : Rock : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonLE HOUGA5005100071Musique2.3 POG


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