Fifty shades of grey


Auteur(s)Lennox, Annie (1954-...) (Chanteur) ;Grey Skylar (Chanteur) ;Elfman, Danny (1953-...) (Compositeur) ;Sinatra, Frank (1915-1998) (Chanteur) ;Sia (1975-...) (Chanteur) ;Beyoncé (1981-...) (Chanteur) ;Goulding, Ellie (1986-...) (Chanteur) ;Ware, Jessie (Chanteur) ;Weeknd (The) (1990-...) (Chanteur) ;Welsh, Laura (Chanteur) ;Vaults (Musicien) ;Awolnation (Musicien) ;Rolling Stones (The) (Musicien) ;Taylor-Johnson, Sam (Directeur artistique)

Titre(s)Fifty shades of grey : bande originale du film de Sam Taylor-Johnson / Annie Lennox, chant / Grey Skylar, chant / Danny Elfman, comp... [et al.] ; Sam Taylor-Johnson, réal.

Editeur(s)New York : Republic Records, 2015.

ContientI put a spell on you (Fifty shades of grey). - Undiscovered. - Earned it (Fifty shades of grey). - Meet me in the middle. - Love me like you do. - Haunted (Michael Diamond remix). - Salted wound. - Beast of burden. - I'm on fire. - Crazy in love (2014 remix). - Witchecraft. - One last night. - Where you belong. - I know you. - Ana and Christian. - Did that hurt ?. - I put a spell on you (Fifty shades of grey). - Undiscovered. - Earned it (Fifty shades of grey). - Meet me in the middle. - Love me like you do. - Haunted (Michael Diamond remix). - Salted wound. - Beast of burden. - I'm on fire. - Crazy in love (2014 remix). - Witchecraft. - One last night. - Where you belong. - I know you. - Ana and Christian. - Did that hurt ?.


NotesTélérama No.3398 p.55 du 25/02/2015. 2/4.

Sujet(s)Bandes originales de films


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  • I put a spell on you (Fifty shades of grey)
  • Undiscovered
  • Earned it (Fifty shades of grey)
  • Meet me in the middle
  • Love me like you do