The very best of


Auteur(s)Doors (The) (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)The very best of [cd audio] / Doors (The), ens. voc. & instr.

Editeur(s)[Etats-Unis] : Rhino Entertainment, p. 2007.

ContientBreack on through (To the other side). - Strange days. - Alabama song (Wisky bar). - Love me two times. - Light my fire. - Spanish caravan. - The Crystal ship. - The unknown solider. - The end. - People are strange. - Back door man. - Moonlight drive. - End of the night. - Five to one. - When the music's over. - Bird of prey. - Love her madly. - Riders on the storm. - Orange county suite. - Runnin' blue. - Hello, I love you. - The WASP (Texas Radio and The Big Beat). - Stoned immaculate. - Soul kitchen. - Peace frog. - L.A Woman. - Waiting for the sun. - Touch me. - The changeling. - Wishful sinful. - Love street. - Ghost song. - Whiskey, mystics and men. - Roadhouse blues.


Sujet(s)Rock progressif : Phonogramme


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonVIC-FEZENSAC00462000041436Musique2.4 DOO


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  • Breack on through (To the other side)
  • Strange days
  • Alabama song (Wisky bar)
  • Love me two times
  • Light my fire