The letter

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Auteur(s)Frith, Fred (Guitare électrique) ;Cosa Brava ;Kihlstedt, Carla (Violon) ;Parkins, Zeena (Accordeons) (Claviers) ;Ismaily, Shahzad (Guitare basse) ;Bossi, Matthias (Batterie) (Percussions) ;The Norman Conquest ;Elrod, Michael ;Winant, William (Batterie) (Percussions)

Titre(s)The letter / Cosa Brava ; Fred Frith.

Editeur(s)Intakt, 2012.

ContientSoul of the machine. - The Eyjafjallajökull tango / William Winant. - Drowning. - The wedding / Michael Elrod. - The letter. - Slings and arrows. - Jitters. - For Lars Hollmer. - Emigrants. - Nobody told me / William Winant. - Common sense. - Soul of the machine [Reprise].

Sujet(s)Open jazz (musique)

Indice(s)2.00 ; 450 ; 1.90

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CDEn rayonMGA50175902 FRI 00


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