BBC sessions, 1967 - 1969


Auteur(s)The Jimi Hendrix Experience ;Hendrix, Jimi (Guitare électrique) ;Mitchell, Mitch (Batterie) ;Redding, Noel (Guitare basse)

Titre(s)BBC sessions, 1967 - 1969 / The Jimi Hendrix Experience.

Editeur(s)MCA Records, Inc., 1998.

ContientCD 1 : Foxey lady. - Alexis Korner introduction. - Can you please crawl out your window ?. - Rhythm and blues world service. - (I'm your) Hoochie coochie man. - Traveling with the experience. - Driving south. - Fire. - Little miss lover. - Introducing The Experience. - The burning of the midnight lamp. - Catfish blues. - Stone free. - Love or confusion. - Hey Joe. - Hound dog. - Driving south. - Hear my train A comin'. - CD 2 : Purple haze. - Killing floor. - Radio one. - Wait until tomorrow. - Day tripper. - Spanish castle magic. - Jammin'. - I was made to love her. - Foxey lady. - A brand new sound. - Hey Joe. - Manic depression. - Driving south. - Hear my train A comin'. - A happening for Lulu. - Voodoo child (Slight return). - Lulu introduction. - Hey Joe. - Sunshine of your love.

Sujet(s)Rock psychédélique (musique) Blues rock (musique)

Indice(s)2.33 ; 2.41

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