The blue ridge rangers - Rides again


Auteur(s)Fogerty, John (Guitare) ;Miller, Buddy (Guitare électrique) ;Leisz, Greg (Mandoline) ;Crouch, Dennis (Guitare basse) ;Bellerose, Jay (Batterie) ;Kennedy, Jodie ;Henley, Don ;Schmit, Timothy B ;Springsteen, Bruce

Titre(s)The blue ridge rangers - Rides again / Fogerty John.

Editeur(s)Verve, 2009.

ContientParadise. - Never ending song of love. - Garden party [feat. Don Henley, Timothy B. Schmit]. - I don't care [Just as long as you love me]. - Back home again. - I'll be there. - Change in the weather. - Moody river. - Heaven's just a sin away. - Fallin' fallin' fallin'. - Haunted house. - When will I be loved [feat. Bruce Springsteen].

Sujet(s)Country rock (musique)


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