

Auteur(s)Lloyd Webber, Andrew (Compositeur) ;Rice, Tim ;Stigwood, Robert ;Essex, David (Interprète) ;Paige, Elaine (Interprète) ;Ackland, Joss (Interprète)

Titre(s)Evita / Lloyd Webber Andrew.

Editeur(s)MCA Records, Inc., 1978.

ContientRequiem for Evita. - Oh what a circus / Requiem. - On this night of a thousand stars. - Buenos Aires. - Goodnight and thank you. - I'd be surprisingly good for you. - Another suitcase in another hall. - A new Argentina. - Don't cry for me Argentina. - High, flying adored. - Rainbow high. - And the money keeps rolling in [and out]. - Waltz for Eva and Che. - She is a diamond. - Lament.


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CDEn rayonMDC5002471511 EVI


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