

Auteur(s)Boyd, William (1952-...) (Auteur)

Titre(s)Trio / William Boyd.

Editeur(s)Londres : Penguin Books Ltd. ; Londres : Penguin Books Ltd.

RésuméSummer, 1968. On a film set in sunny Brighton, three characters are leading secret lives. Elfrida is drowning her writer's block in vodka ; Talbot, coping with the daily dysfunction of making a film, is hiding something in a clandestine apartment ; and the glamorous Anny is wondering why the FBI is suddenly so interested in her. But the show must go on and, as it does, the trio's private worlds begin to take over their public ones. Pressures build inexorably ? someone's going to crack. Or maybe they all will.


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LivreEn rayonMGA03212000276335Livre bilingue820 BOY


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