Aventures deTintin (Les)


Auteur(s)Williams, John (1932-...)

Titre(s)Aventures deTintin (Les) : Secret de la Licorne (Le) : b.o du film de Steven Spielberg / John Williams.

Editeur(s)Sony Bmg Music Entertainment, 2011.

ContientAdventures of Tintin (The). - Snowy's theme. - Secret of the scrolls (The). - Introducing the Thompsons, and snowy's chase. - Marlinspike hall. - Escape from the Karaboudjan. - Sir Francis and the unicorn. - Captain Haddock takes the oars. - Red Rackham's curse and the treasure. - Capturing Mr Silk. - Flight to Bagghar (The). - Milanese nightingale (The). - Presenting Bianca Castafiore. - Pursuit of the falcon (The). - Captain Counsel (The). - Crash of the cranes (The). - Return to marlinspike hall and finale (The). - Adventure continues (The).

Sujet(s)Bof (bande originale de film)


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CDEn rayonMD325194010071Musique6.1 AVE


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