Live in Marciac


Auteur(s)Mehldau, Brad

Titre(s)Live in Marciac / Brad Mehldau.

Editeur(s)Paris : Warner Music, 2011.

ContientStorm. - It's all right with me. - Secret love. - Unrequited. - Resignation. - Trailer park ghost. - Goodbye storyteller. - Exit music. - Things behind the sun. - Lithium. - Lilac wine. - Martha my dear. - My favorite things. - Dat dere. - CD 1 : Storm. - It's all right with me [Cole Porter]. - Secret love [Fain / Webster]. - Unrequited. - Resignation. - Trailer park ghost. - Goodbye storyteller [for Fred Myrow]. - Exit music (for a film) [Radiohead]. - CD 2 : Things behind the sun [Nick Drake]. - Lithium [Kurt Cobain]. - Lilac Wine [James Alan Shelton]. - Martha my dear [Lennon / McCartney]. - My favorite things [Rodgers / Hammerstein]. - Dat dere [Bobby Timmons]. - DVD : Storm / It's all right with me. - Secret love. - Unrequited. - Resignation. - Trailer park ghost. - Goodbye storyteller (for Fred Myrow) / Exit music (for a film). - Things behind the sun / Lithium. - Lilac wine. - Martha my dear. - My favorite things.

RésuméCe live présente des interprétations solo au piano des morceaux originaux de Brad Mehldau, ainsi que de ces célèbres reprises de Kurt Cobain, John Lennon et Paul McCartney, Cole Porter, Radiohead, etc.

Sujet(s)Jazz Open jazz (musique) Marciac (Gers) : festival de Jazz

Indice(s)1.90 ; 1.3

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonMARCIAC5191500071Musique1.3 MEH
CDEn rayonMDC50169331 MEH 90


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