127 hours


Auteur(s)Rahman, A.R (Compositeur) ;Withers, Bill ;Ashkenazy, Vladimir (1937-...) ;Plastic Bertrand ;Phillips, Esther ;Free Blood ;Sigur Ros

Titre(s)127 hours : BO du film de Danny Boyle / A.R. Rahman.

Editeur(s)Paris : Universal Music France S.a, 2010.

ContientNever hear surf music again. - Canyon (The). - Liberation begins. - Touch of the sun. - Lovely day. - Nocturne n2 de Chopin. - Ca plane pour moi. - Liberation in a dream. - If you love me. - Acid darbari. - R.i.p. - Liberation. - Festival. - If I rise.

Sujet(s)Bof (bande originale de film)


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CDEn rayonMD325191050071Musique6.1 RAH


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