Dealing with Mules & Orphans


Auteur(s)Waits, Tom (Réalisateur de film) ;Mule ;Orphan

Titre(s)Dealing with Mules & Orphans [DVD] / Tom Waits ; Mule ; Orphan.

Editeur(s)Intergroove, 2013.

ContientGun street girl. - Jockey full of Bourbon. - Hold on. - Chocolate Jesus. - 16 shells from A thirty-ought six. - Tango till they're sore. - Innocent when you dream. - Tom Taubert's blues. - Chocolate #2. - Make it rain. - Lie to me. - Day after tomorrow. - Lucinda. - Downtown train. - Ol' 55. - The house where nobody lives. - Jersey girl. - What's he building. - Strange weather. - Get behind the Mule.

NotesLangues ; Bonus :. - Droits de prêt (voir fiche exemplaire).

Sujet(s)Rock ** Blues-rock


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DVD / Blu-RayEn rayonMD328018440071MusiqueVM 2.3 WAI


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