Ray Charles


Auteur(s)Charles, Ray (1930-2004)

Titre(s)Ray Charles / Ray Charles.

Editeur(s)Recording Arts, C 2006.

ContientCD 1 : Let the good times roll. - Georgia on my mind. - I believe to my soul. - Come rain or come shine. - Oh, what a beautiful morning. - Some enchanted evening. - Hallelujah, I love her so. - I'm gonna move to the outskirts. - Hit the road jack. - I wonder. - I can't stop loving you. - Take these chains from my heart. - I can see clearly now. - What'd I say. - America the beautiful. - CD 2 : I love you, I love you. - Confession blues. - Let's have a ball. - Alone in this city. - Rockin' chair blues. - Can anyone ask for more. - If I give you my love. - This love of mine. - Can't you see darling ?. - How long blues. - A sentimental blues. - Ain't that fine. - Blues before sunrise. - You'll never miss the water. - Son't put all your dreams in one basket. - Sittin'on top of the world. - CD 3 : See see rider. - I've had my fun. - What have I done ?. - Honey, honey. - She's on the ball. - Late in the evening blues. - Th'ego song. - Someday. - I wonder who's kissing her now. - All to myself. - Lonely boy. - Baby let me hold your hand. - I'll do anything but work. - I'm glad for your sake. - Baby won't you please come home. - Kissa me baby. - CD 4 : Hey now. - The snow is falling. - Misery in my heart. - Why did you go ?. - I'm wondering and wondering. - Walkin' and talkin'. - Guitar blues. - Back home. - Let me hear you call my name. - Someday baby. - Low society. - It should have been me. - Losing hand. - Heartbreaker. - Sinner's prayer. - Mess around. - CD 5 : Funny. - Feelin' sad. - I wonder who. - Don't you know. - Nobody cares. - Ray's blues. - Mr Charles blues. - Blackjack. - I've got a woman. - Greenbacks. - Come back baby. - The sun's gonna shine again. - Roll with my baby. - The midnight hour. - Jumpin' in the morning. - A fool for you. - This little girl of mine. - CD 5 : Funny. - Feelin' sad. - I wonder who. - Don't you know. - Nobody cares. - Ray's blues. - Mr Charles blues. - Blackjack. - I've got a woman. - Greenbacks. - Come back baby. - The sun's gonna shine again. - Roll with my baby. - The midnight hour. - Jumpin' in the morning. - A fool for you. - This little girl of mine.

Sujet(s)Soul : Phonogramme Rythm'n'blues


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