I inside the old year dying

I inside the old year dying

Auteur(s)Harvey, PJ (1969-...)

Titre(s)I inside the old year dying / PJ Harvey.

Editeur(s)Partisan Records, 2023.

ContientPrayer at the gate. - Autumn term. - Lwonesome tonight. - Seem an I. - The nether-edge. - I inside the old year dying. - All souls. - A child's question, august. - I inside the old I dying. - August. - A child's question, July. - A noiseless noise.

NotesTextes des chansons. - Télérama No.3834 p.50 du 05/07/2023. 4/4. - Magic No.63 p.0 du 12/07/2023. 6/6.

Sujet(s)Rock alternatif (musique)


Lien : https://www.gamannecy.com/upload/albums/202305/0720841303220_thumb.jpg

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  • Prayer at the gate
  • Autumn term
  • Lwonesome tonight
  • Seem an I
  • The nether-edge