Eat me, drink me


Auteur(s)Manson, Marilyn (Goupe rock)

Titre(s)Eat me, drink me / Marilyn Manson.

Editeur(s)Interscope, P 2007.

ContientIf I was your vampire. - Putting holes in happiness. - The red carpet grave. - They said that hell's not hot. - Just a car crash away. - Heart-shaped glasses (When the heart guides the hand). - Evidence. - Are you the rabbit ?. - Mutilation is the most sincere form of flattery. - You and me and the devil makes 3. - Eat me, drink me. - Heart-shaped glasses (When the heart guides the hand) [Inhuman remix by Jade E Puget].

Sujet(s)Hard rock : Phonogramme

Indice(s)2.54 ; 2.5

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CDEn rayonMARCIAC5157720071Musique2.5 MAN


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