20 Gospel Greats [compilation]



Titre(s)20 Gospel Greats [compilation].

Editeur(s)Cascade, sd.

Contientthe love of God. - trouble in my way. - get away Jordan. - straight street. - I'm determined to run this race. - living for Jesus. - the ball game. - touch me the hem of his garment. - prayer for the doomed. - you better run. - alone and motherless. - holy ghost. - whosoever will. - this may be the last time. - Jesus hits like the atom bomb. - the lifeboat. - pilgrim of sorrow. - my rock.

Sujet(s)Gospel : Phonogramme


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonMD325034030071Musique1.2 A


Source : Wikipédia
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