The Art of the song


Auteur(s)Haden, Charlie (1937-2014) ;Broadbent, Alan (1947-...) ;Watts, Ernie (1945-...) ;Marable, Larance ;Horn, Shirley ;Henderson, Bill ;Adler, Murray

Titre(s)The Art of the song / Charlie Haden Quartet West.

Editeur(s)Verve records, P 1999.

ContientLonely town. - why did I choose you. - moment musical opus 16 n°3 en B min. - in love invain. - Tuith Waltz. - scenes from A silver screen. - I'm gonna laugh you right out of my life. - you my love. - prélude en la min. - the folks on the hill. - easy on the heart. - theme from Charlie. - wayfaring stranger.

Sujet(s)Guitare : Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDPrêtéMD325085130071Musique1 HAD


Source : Wikipédia
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