

Auteur(s)Terrasson, Jacky (1965-...) ;Parker, Leon ;Okegwo, Ugonna ;Jacky terrasson trio

Titre(s)Alive / Jacky Terrasson Trio.

Editeur(s)Capitol records, P 1997.

ContientThings ain't what they used to be. - Cumba's dance. - sister cheryl. - simple things. - Nature boy. - love for sale. - fog taking over Noe valley. - the theme. - there's no disappointment. - In heaven.

Sujet(s)Piano : Jazz : Phonogramme Trio : Jazz : Phonogramme


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CDEn rayonMD325077010071Musique1 TER
CDEn rayonEAUZE00119000136158Musique1.3 TER


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