Rock around the clock


Auteur(s)Haley, Bill ;Comets The

Titre(s)Rock around the clock / Bill Haley & His Comets.

Editeur(s)MCA, C&P 1992.

ContientDisque 1 Rock around the clock. - Shake, rattle and roll. - Birth of the boogie. - Mambo rock. - A.B.C. Boogie. - Dim, dim the lights. - Happy baby. - Razzle-dazzle. - Two hound dogs. - Rock-a-beatin' boogie. - R-O-C-K. - Burn that candle. - The saints rock'n'roll. - See you later, alligator. - Disque 2 Rudy's rock. - Choo choo ch'boogie. - Hot dog buddy, buddy. - Rockin' through the rye. - Ret it up. - Teenager's mother. - Don't knock the rock. - Forty cups of coffee. - Move it on over. - Rock the joint. - Lean jean. - Skinny Minnie. - Sway with me. - Corrine corrina.

Sujet(s)Chanson : Rock : Phonogramme


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