Elements [CD]


Auteur(s)Oldfield, Mike (1953-...)

Titre(s)Elements [CD] : The best of M.Oldfield / Mike Oldfield.

Editeur(s)Virgin, C&P 1993.

ContientTubular bells (opening theme). - Moonlight shadow. - Family man. - Heaven's open. - Five miles out. - To France. - Foreign affair. - In duci jubilo. - Shadow on the wall. - Islands. - Etude. - Sentinel. - Ommadawn (excerpt). - Incantations (Part four - excerpt). - Amarok (excerpt). - Portsmouth.

Sujet(s)Chanson : Rock : Phonogramme


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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonPLAISANCE5041670071Musique2 OLD
CDEn rayonSAINT-CLAR00370000023579Musique2 OLD


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