Time's all gone


Auteur(s)Waterhouse, Nick (Compositeur)

Titre(s)Time's all gone [enr. sonore] / Nick Waterhouse, comp. & chant.

Editeur(s)Innovative Leisure, 2012.

ContientSay I wanna know. - Some place. - Don't you forget it. - I can only give you everything. - Raina. - (If) You want trouble. - Indian love call. - Is that clear. - Teardrop will follow you. - Time's all gone pt. 1. - Time's all gone pt. 2. - Say I wanna know. - Some place. - Don't you forget it. - I can only give you everything. - Raina. - (If) You want trouble. - Indian love call. - Is that clear. - Teadrop will follow you. - Time's all gone, part 1. - Time's all gone, part 2.

Sujet(s)Rythm'n'blues ** Etats-Unis

Indice(s)2.93 ; 1.4

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SupportSituationBib. actuelleCode barreGenreCote
CDEn rayonMD325213310071Musique1.4 WAT
CDEn rayonMGA50176072 WAT 93


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  • Say I wanna know
  • Some place
  • Don't you forget it
  • I can only give you everything
  • Raina
  • Say I wanna know
  • Some place
  • Don't you forget it
  • I can only give you everything
  • Raina