Folk proud


Auteur(s)Green, Adam (Artiste de spectacle) ;Brion, Jon (Artiste de spectacle) ;Roche, Brisa (Artiste de spectacle) ;Wainwright, Rufus (Artiste de spectacle) ;Great Lake Swimmers,... (Ens. instrumental)

Titre(s)Folk proud [enregistrement sonore] / Adam Green ; Jon Brion ; Brisa Roche ; Rufus Wainwright ; Great Lake Swimmers...

Editeur(s)Paris : Naïve, 2008.

ContientHowever many takes it takes. - On my way. - I just feel like a child. - Tropical island. - Bad actor. - Go ahead. - Knock yourself out. - Shades of time. - Whistle. - Dogs. - Greek song. - Madonna. - Songs for the angels. - Heartbeats. - Jimmy. - Hole in the middle. - Headhome. - In the end. - The pirate's gospel. - A nervous tic motion of the head to the left. - Neurotic hope. - Piazza ny catcher. - Drifters in the wood. - Jorge regula. - Water ran. - The rules. - Up the river. - Colors of the world.

Sujet(s)Hits (musique) Folk-rock


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