Things fall apart


Auteur(s)The Roots ;Black Thought ;Malik B ;"Hub" Hubbard, Leonard Nelson (Guitare basse) ;Kamal (Claviers) ;Rahzel ;"?uestlove" Thompson, Ahmir (Batterie) ;Badu, Erykah

Titre(s)Things fall apart / The Roots.

Editeur(s)Universal Music, 1999.

ContientAct won (Things fall apart). - Table of contents (parts 1 & 2). - The next movement. - Step into the relm. - The spark. - Dynamite !. - Without a doubt. - Ain't sayin' nothin' new. - Double trouble. - Act too (The love of my life). - 100% dundee. - Diedre vs. Dice. - Adrenaline !. - 3rd acts : ? vs. Scratch 2... Electric boogaloo. - You got me / Badu Erykah. - Don't see us. - The return to innocence lost.

Sujet(s)Rap (musique) Acid jazz (musique)

Indice(s)2.91 ; 2.97

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CDEn rayonMGA50081732 ROO 91


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