Freddie Freeloader and friends


Auteur(s)Hendricks, Jon (Saxophones) ;Count Basie Big Band ;Foster, Frank (Saxophones) ;Goldings, Larry (Pianos) ;Lumbambo, Romero (Guitare) ;Flanagan, Tommy (Pianos) ;Grey, Al (Trombone) ;Mraz, George (Contrebasse) ;Cobb, Jimmy (Batterie) ;Jarreau, Al ;Benson, George ;McFerrin, Bobby ;Hendricks, Judith (Trompette) (Saxophones) ;Woodman, Britt (Trombone) ;Richardson, Jerome (Saxophones) ;Temperley, Joe (Saxophones) ;Marsalis, Wynton (Trompette) ;Reid, Rufus (Contrebasse) ;Turrentine, Stanley (Saxophones) ;Soloff, Lew (Trompette) ;Mitchell, Tyler (Contrebasse) ;Manhattan Transfer (Ens. vocal)

Titre(s)Freddie Freeloader and friends / Hendricks Jon.

Editeur(s)BMG Records, 1990.

ContientJumpin' at the woodside / Count Basie big band / Foster Frank. - In summer = Eté = Estate / Goldings Larry. - Freddie freeloader / Flanagan Tommy / Mraz George. - Stardust. - Sugar / Marsalis Wynton / Turrentine Stanley. - Take the 'A' train / Soloff Lew. - Fas' livin' blues / Count Basie big band / Grey Al. - Swing that music. - High as a mountain / Manhattan Transfer. - Trinkle tinkle / Marsalis Wynton. - The Finer things in life / Count Basie big band. - Listen to monk. - Sing sing sing.

Sujet(s)Jazz classique Jazz vocal (musique)


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