Britten - The Young Person's Guide...;Variations On A Theme Of Frank Bridge;Simple Symphony


Auteur(s)Britten, Benjamin (1913-1976) (Compositeur) (Conducteur) ;English Chamber Orchestra (Ens. instrumental) ;London Symphony Orchestra (Ens. instrumental)

Titre(s)Britten - The Young Person's Guide...;Variations On A Theme Of Frank Bridge;Simple Symphony / Benjamin Britten ; London Symphony Orchestra ; English Chamber Orchestra.

Editeur(s)[s.l.] : Decca, 1986.

ContientThe young person's guide to the orchestra, op. 34. - Simple symphony, op. 4 : i boisterous bourrée - allegro ritmico. - Simple symphony, op. 4 : ii playful pizzicato - presto possible pizzicato sempre. - Simple symphony, op. 4 : iii sentimental saraband - poco lento e pesante. - Simple symphony, op. 4 : iv froliscsome finale - prestissimo con fuoco. - Variations on a theme of frank bridge, op. 10 : introduction and theme. - Variations on a theme of frank bridge, op. 10 : adagio. - Variations on a theme of frank bridge, op. 10 : march. - Variations on a theme of frank bridge, op. 10 : romance. - Variations on a theme of frank bridge, op. 10 : aria italiana. - Variations on a theme of frank bridge, op. 10 : bourrée classique. - Variations on a theme of frank bridge, op. 10 : wiener walzer. - Variations on a theme of frank bridge, op. 10 : moto perpetuo. - Variations on a theme of frank bridge, op. 10 : funeral march. - Variations on a theme of frank bridge, op. 10 : chant. - Variations on a theme of frank bridge, op. 10 : fugue and finale.

Sujet(s)Musique classique [s.l.]


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