Greatest hits I, II & III


Auteur(s)Queen ;John, Elton ;Bowie, David (1947-...) ;Michael, George (1963-...) ;Jean, Wyclef ;Caballé, Montserrat (1933-...)

Titre(s)Greatest hits I, II & III / Queen ; Elton John ; David Bowie ; George Michael ; Wyclef Jean ; Montserrat Caballé.

Editeur(s)Island, 2011.

Collection(s)(The Platinum Collection).

ContientBohemian rhapsody. - Another one bites the dust. - Killer queen. - Fat bottomed girls. - Bicycle race. - You're my best friend. - Don't stop me now. - Save me. - Crazy little thing called love. - Somebody to love. - Now i'm here. - Good old-fashioned lover boy. - Play the game. - Flash. - Seven seas of rhye. - We will rock you. - We are the champions. - A kind of magic. - Under pressure. - Radio ga ga. - I want it all. - I want to break free. - Innuendo. - It's a hard life. - Breakthru. - Who wants to live forever. - Headlong. - The miracle. - I'm going slightly mad. - The invisible man. - Hammer to fall. - Friends will be friends. - The show must go on. - One vision. - The show must go on. - Under pressure. - Barcelona. - Too much love will kill you. - Somebody to love. - You don't fool me. - Heaven for everyone. - Las palabras de amor. - Driven by you. - Living on my own. - Let me live. - The great pretender. - Princes of the universe. - Another one bites the dust. - No-one but you (only the good die young). - These are the days of our lives. - Thank god it's christmas.

Sujet(s)Musique de variétés


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