My funny Valentine: the best of Chet Baker


Auteur(s)Baker, Chet (1929-1988)

Titre(s)My funny Valentine: the best of Chet Baker [Enregistrement sonore] / Chet Baker.

Editeur(s)Sony classical, 2013.

ContientYou don't know what love is. - What a difference a day made. - Over the rainbow. - Love walked in. - I'm through with love. - The wind. - Little duet (for zoot & chet). - She was too good to me. - You better go now. - There will never be another you. - Love. - Chetty's lullaby. - My funny valentine (live). - Autumn leaves. - What'll i do. - These foolish things. - Trickleydidlier. - Tangerine. - I married an angel. - I love you. - Why shouldn't i ?. - Blues in the closet. - Well you needn't. - Barbados. - With a song in my heart. - You better go now (alternate version). - A little duet for zoot and chet (alternate version).



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CDEn rayonEAUZE00119000136059Musique1.3 BAK


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