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Ellington at Newport complete

Auteur(s)Ellington, Duke (Pianos) ;Anderson, Cat (Trompette) ;Cook, Willie (Trompette) ;Terry, Clark (Trompette) ;Nance, Ray (Trompette) ;Jackson, Quentin (Trombone) ;Woodman, Britt (Trombone) ;Sanders, John (Trombone) ;Hodges, Johnny (Saxophones) ;Procope, Russell (Saxophones) ;Gonsalves, Paul (Saxophones) ;Hamilton, Jimmy (Saxophones) ;Carney, Harry (Saxophones) ;Woode, Jimmy (Contrebasse) ;Lucas, Al (Contrebasse) ;Woodyard, Sam (Batterie) ;Grisson, Jimmy

Titre(s)Ellington at Newport complete / Ellington Duke.

ContientPart II-Blues to be there. - Part III-Newport up. - I got it bad (and that ain't good). - Jeep's blues. - Star spangled banner. - Black and tan fantasy. - Tea for two. - Take the A train. - Part 1-Festival junction. - Part 2-Blues to be there. - Part 3-Newport up. - Sophisticated lady. - Day in, day out. - Diminuendo in blue and crescendo in blue. - I got it bad (and that ain't good). - Jeep's blues. - Tulip or turnip. - Skin deep. - Mood indigo. - Part I-Festival junction.

NotesContient un solo légendaire de Paul Gonsalves au saxophone ténor dans Diminuendo and crescendo in blue.

Sujet(s)Big band (musique)


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Source : Wikipédia
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