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Long play collection

Auteur(s)Peterson, Oscar

Titre(s)Long play collection / Oscar Peterson.

Editeur(s)Blaricum, 2013.

ContientThe touch of your lips. - When your lover has gone. - Bye bye blackbird. - How deep is the ocean. - In the wee small hours of the morning. - Sunday. - This can't be love. - I can't give you anything but love. - Au privave. - The gypsy. - I'll remember april. - Scrapple from the apple. - Moten swing. - Blues for pres, sweets, ben & all the other funky one. - Easy does it. - I want to be happy. - Pennies from heaven. - Ballad medley : bewitched, bothered and bewildered, i don't why, how long has... - I'm glad there is you. - Tour's end. - I was doing all right. - Bronx blues. - Chocolate sundae. - When your lover has gone. - Candy. - Will you still be mine. - Joy spring. - Gal in calico. - 52nd street theme. - Jo jones announcement. - Monitor blues. - Willow weep for me. - Autumn in new york. - Roy's son. - Ballad medley : lush life, lullaby of the leaves, makin' whoopee, it never en... - Woody 'n you.

RésuméRetrouvez 5 albums originaux de ce fabuleux pianiste à travers ce coffret 3 cds à petit prix Ben Webster Meets Oscar Peterson (1959) Sonny Stitt Sits With The Oscar Peterson Trio (1959) Stan Getz And The Oscar Peterson Trio (1957) The Oscar Peterson Trio With Roy Eldridge, Sonny Stitt And Jo Jones At Newport (1959) Jazz Giants 58 (Los Angeles 1er Août 1957).



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